Hello fellow documentary film enthusiasts, friends and family! It’s Zeineddine here checking in to let you all know on some more awesome news we just received. We are proud to announce we will be a part of the New York Lift-Off Film Festival for their 2024 lineup.

Our film will be considered in their Short Documentary Film category. And what’s really cool about this festival is it nurtures Indie Filmmakers like myself and my team that produced our film. Read more below on the month-long event festival!


Founded in 2011, the Lift-Off Network champions true indie filmmaking. The Lift-Off Network promotes up-and-coming voices and provides a space for collaboration and support towards the next step.

The Network believes that indie film matters, storytelling can change the world & emerging artists need support to develop creatively, foster new connections and reach global audiences.

Blog - LOGN Red Carpet
Blog - LOGN - Group Photo


The Network Hub is the virtual home for festivals, workshops and members of the Lift-Off Global Network.

Get free submissions with Network Membership:

⭐ Fee waivers to all Lift-Off Festivals & Showcases (worth $300)
⭐ Apply for representation at international film markets, including Cannes, EFM, and AFM
⭐ Access to international film jobs
⭐ Networking, Workshops & Online Events



The Official Selections are reviewed by the Judging Panel and receive scores from the attending audience throughout the festival. After the festival closes, the weighted scores are combined, and the top-scoring films are promoted into the internal ‘Network Round’.

The Network Round is hosted on the Lift-Off Network Hub, where the Lift-Off Jury and Network Hub Members score the films and vote for the winners.

After the festival closes, prizes are awarded, and winning projects are placed on the Season Award Nominations Shortlist. Lift-Off Season Award Nominations are allocated by the Jury based on merit within each category.

Find out more about the awards & judging process:
👉 liftoff.network/awards

Blog - LOGN - Theater Crowd
Blog - LOGN - Q&A

That’s a brief overview of the Lift-Off Network and what it has to offer. I’d encourage any up-and-coming filmmakers to submit your film and learn more on their site here: https://liftoff.network/

There’s also a Networking-Speed-Date Session which my Producer will attend so we’ll share more on how that goes along with the film festival itself!

On a final note, if you haven’t had a chance to explore our GoFundMe page, please visit the link below on my DONATE page. We’re over halfway funded and any small donation will be greatly appreciated!